Sign up now for this free call happening live on February 6, 2020 (2PM EST/11AM PST)
You started out this year with such big plans.
You bought the new planner, you wrote out the resolutions with those pretty colored markers. You were going to start running and lose 20 pounds and stop yelling at your kids.
But it isn’t even the end of January and you’re on the couch with a bag of pretzels feeling guilty about how you just yelled at your kids.
Or maybe you’ve just given up on resolutions altogether because life with littles feels like the days all blend together.
Even though you used to be someone who had goals, you can’t imagine setting or achieving them now.
It is enough to make you want to just go back to bed.
You WANT to be someone who has goals. You want to be someone who’s doing something important with her life.
You wish your time felt more like your own, and that you had energy left over after being Mom. You want to do things that feed your own needs, not just be a mother and the person who cooks the food, wipes the butts, and keeps track of the doctor’s appointments.
You wish you felt like a new year was a time to begin something new, instead of fearing it is just more frustration like last year.
You wish setting resolutions didn’t feel like wishful thinking - you want to have goals again!
You want to look forward to this new year with excitement and anticipation - even if you’ve already lost track of your Jan 1 resolutions.
I’m Doña Bumgarner and I’m a coach for moms who feel frustrated and lost in motherhood, and who want to have more control over their time and energy.
I know you want to feel like a person again, not just a wife and mom. I know you want more. More fulfillment, more joy.
I know you want to feel like this year you will make things happen, and not just have them happen to you.
This free class is for you.
Six easy ways to make this your best year yet - even if you've already scrapped your New Year's resolutions.
As a result of this free class, you will…
Understand how to set yourself up to achieve the accomplishments you crave in your life.
Learn how to find time for YOU when it feels like there is no room for anything but THEM
How to keep your excitement and momentum up, even when life throws you some curveballs (because life with kids does that).
Sign up now for this free Zoom call happening live on February 6. Call in at 2PM EST/11AM PST to get your individual questions answered by me live, or watch the recording at your convenience.
Have questions? Email me.
You still have plenty of time to make this year amazing.
What people are saying about working with me:
“ I get so much clarity when I work with her.”
“She challenged me in just the right way and caught the little hints I didn’t even know I was giving - that were exactly what I needed!”
“I highly recommend working with Dona, you’ll feel better almost immediately.”