You’re tired. So tired.
You’ve been on this pandemic bus for a year.
School has been disrupted, you’ve added “teacher” to the long list of hats you have to switch out each day.
Your kids are struggling and lonely, and you’ve simply given up on any semblance of screen time boundaries. Screens are the only childcare you have these days.
You are so judgemental of yourself. You believe you are not a good mother, are not wired to be a teacher, phoning in your work…are doing the absolute minimum on all fronts.
You can’t keep up with the chaos, and you can’t even serve food your kids will eat.
Work, if you haven’t had to quit it, feels impossible, and you have to squeeze it into the minutes between helping with homework, finding a working Zoom link, figuring out that grocery store order, and preparing the 90th snack today.
You desperately miss the tiniest things that used to feel normal (Coffee shops! Live music! School dropoff!), and decisions that used to be simple now require a complex and exhausting risk assessment process that often includes re-reading ever-changing CDC guidelines.
You’ve prepared approximately 15 meals a day every day for the last year, and everyone in your house is sick of eating together.
Getting through each day feels like a major accomplishment, but then you wake up the next day and you just have to do it all over again.
You crave a life that feels like more than just functional.
Does this sound familiar?
You can’t even remember what it is like to have an uninterrupted thought. What it feels like to be alone.
You can’t remember what it feels like to be a self. A whole human.
You can’t remember joy.
You are struggling with depression and anxiety more than you have for years.
There is another way.
Join the Joy Club.
You can learn to accept where you are right now, with all the limitations and frustrations, and still feel OK. Still feel like you are doing a good job.
You have needs and desires. You are allowed to claim them!
Imagine if you felt really clear about how to support yourself when you are exhausted, or anxious, or about to crack.
Imagine if you knew how to identify exactly what you need to make your days feel successful and productive. And that you felt 100% confident asking for what you need (from your kids, your partner, your boss…)
Imagine you could easily tap into your heart and really hear those whispers of desire, the things that make you feel like a happy human, instead of a combination of servant, short order cook and climbing gym.
You can have moments of lightness. Moments of noticing.
It is so important that you do the work of committing to your joy. Because joy ripples out. And so does depression, and anxiety. Do this work because your emotions impact your family, your relationship, how your children grow, what they learn from you.
But mostly just because you matter.
You are deserving of joy no matter what. Right now, in this middle of this life. You don't have to earn it, just practice it.
As a member of the Joy Club, you will:
Learn simple but impactful practices that will move you from functional to joyful.
Learn how to accept and celebrate yourself exactly where you are, even on the worst of days.
Learn how to calm your nervous system down, to help address the daily anxieties, so you are better prepared to deal with the big stuff.
Learn specific, actionable skills for communicating your needs, so that you are carrying less and have a little more room to breathe.
Expand your village. You will connect with other mothers doing this work for accountability + support, because who we surround ourselves with matters!
Monthly membership in the Joy Club is $79 and includes:
Monthly theme to invest in your happiness and self-nurturing - because focus helps cut through overwhelm.
Live group coaching every other week - connect with other moms who share your struggles.
One deep-dive training video each month - learn the skills you need to make the changes you want.
One guided self-care challenge each month - because we all need more me-time.
A safe place to show up exactly where you are - all of your messy is welcome here.
Discounted rate for private one on one coaching with Doña while you are an active member.
Joy is not a one-size-fits-all thing. But I have a big bag of tools, and a lifetime of experience in not settling for good enough.
Let’s all be happier, together.
Join the Joy Club now.
Joy Club opens its doors on April 5. But if you register by March 17, you get two bonuses:
One live group coaching call before the Club officially begins
DIY self-care-day challenge delivered to your inbox
One 30 minute one on one coaching call with Doña to help you get really clear on what you want in your life right now.
This program is for you if:
You want to thrive in your life, not just survive, and you are willing to try some new things to get there.
You know yourself pretty well, but want some support and accountability to dig deeper.
You will commit to being a consistent part of this community.
This program is not for you if:
You are looking for a silver-bullet solution.
You aren’t dedicated to your own personal growth.
Are full-out overwhelmed and can’t commit to participating in anything else (if this is you, check out this worksheet that will help you edit what’s on your plate and give you some breathing room).
Do you have questions about this program or if it is a good fit for you? Email me.