Mothering is harder than you ever expected.
You love your family with your whole heart, but your life doesn’t feel like you imagined it would feel. You aren’t even sure who you are any more, or what happened to the YOU you were before kids.
You’re keeping things looking pretty good on the outside, but inside you are raging and grieving and desperately wishing there was more room for you and your dreams.
You want to feel like a good mom.
You want a little more control over your time and energy.
You just want to HAVE some time and energy.
You want to remember who you are again.
Take a deep breath, my friend. There is nothing wrong with you. And we can fix this.
Don’t wait until your life falls apart to make it better.
How great could your life feel? What does it mean to be a good mom?
Who do you want to be?
Join this free class to envision the next step in your life, and make your first step toward powerful change.
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Hi, I’m Doña - mama, coach and host of the Nurturing Habit podcast.
I’m a California native, and I have chickens in my backyard to prove it. I love my red cowboy boots, books, knitting and painting, and analyzing politics over good food with my guy. I’m mama to an 10-year-old roller derby girl who keeps me on my toes on the daily.
I left my career as a project manager at Apple to start a family, and then life went a little sideways. When I came up for air, I didn’t recognize myself any more. Finding my way back to myself is what led me to my work as a coach for moms like you.
I believe the expectations of modern motherhood is harming families, and mothers especially. I believe our culture glorifies motherhood without actually supporting the people raising the babies. I believe that women should be able to define for themselves what being a good mother means.
I want to help you build a life and a relationship with yourself that doesn’t drive you to run away into Instagram’s pretty pictures or a 4oz pour of red wine at 6pm just so you can make it to bedtime. I want you to feel joy in the small moments, and also the big ones. Mothering is hard, and honorable, but it doesn’t have to break you or to define you.
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You are ready to thrive in your life, not just survive it.
You want more than negotiating with your partner over who is going to take bedtime, make dinner, or supervise homework.
You are sick of feeling like you are delegating parenting tasks to the other parent, while actually being CEO of all of it (and also having to make a detailed list any time you leave).
I know.
I know that our culture is not friendly to mothers, or really to women in general. We don’t get the support we need, we don’t get credit (or salary) for the hard work that mothering is.
And no one seems to notice that you feel like you are being slowly erased. It feels really unfair. And it is enough to wear down even the strongest women.
It doesn’t have to feel like this.
The Nurturing Habit podcast will help you step beyond “just” being a mom and build a life that lights you up every single day.
You matter and you are not alone.
There is so much more to life than mothering. Learn how coaching can support the change you want in your life, and how working with me will get you finally feeling like you are creating the life you WANT to live.
The place to find articles and resources about how find the space to be you, and how to feel more alive in your messy, beautiful life. You get to define what makes a good mom.
“Doña was amazing. She not only gave me an extremely effective simple strategy to help balance my day, but I don’t feel guilty about the time because she showed how to incorporate into my normal day. I highly recommend working with Dona, you’ll feel better almost immediately.”
“Doña would ask the smartest and most pointed questions that led me to spew a bunch of jumbled thoughts I never really realized I had, and then a few minutes later, after a brief and thoughtful pause, she would say, “So here’s what I hear you saying...” and she would put that jumble into a clear and manageable package that we could work with and learn from, in partnership, together. It was like having a very REAL and thoughtful and perspective friend who is the best listener, there to help me be my best self and lead me to my best life.”
“She was exactly what I thought she would be: Caring, intuitive, honest, curious, and kind. She challenged me in just the right way and caught the little hints I didn’t even know I was giving - that were exactly what I needed! ”