20 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Herself

Do you want to know yourself better? Understand where you are in your life and where you would like to be going? I believe in the power of a good question. These 20 questions will give you an excellent start on that path. :: www.nurturedmama.net

Do you want to know yourself better? Understand where you are in your life and where you would like to be going? I believe in the power of a good question. These 20 questions will give you an excellent start on that path. :: www.nurturedmama.net

I believe in the power of a good question - do you?

You may be very comfortable in your life, following your routines, doing what you do. But because you clicked on the link to this post, I'm guessing that routine might not be feeling perfectly comfortable. You are considering questioning, you are considering change, you are considering growth. But where to start? And why?

If you've been hit with a wallop from life - a new baby, lost job, serious diagnosis - and you are feeling lost and unsure, then you need some good questions to find your way again. You might need a good question if you are hitting the same frustration over and over and over.

If you've been asking yourself, "Why doesn't my life look like I want it to? Why do other people make it look so easy when it feels really hard to me?" then you need to ask yourself something different to get to the root of those issues.

How great could your life feel?

How can you become a deliciously happy mom?

Join this free class to envision the next step in your life, and make your first step toward powerful change.

I'm a life-examiner. I've been working with coaches and therapists for many years. I talk through my experiences and reactions to things with my close friends. I write about my life here and elsewhere because it helps me to understand it. All of this has helped me to build a lot of self-awareness about myself and how I function in the world.

As a result, when something feels wrong or frustrating or difficult, I know it is time to step back and start questioning so I can identify what needs to change. I want that for you, too.

Do you examine your life on the regular? If your answer is, "Maybe?" or "I don't know how to do that," or even, "Wow, that's scary," then this list is for you.

These 20 questions are a great way to get to know yourself better. Don't like the answers? Don't have answers to some of them? Then that is where your work lies.

20 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Herself

  1. What do I really want in this moment?

  2. How do I want to be loved?

  3. Who do I need to forgive?

  4. What is my fear really telling me?

  5. What is my superpower?

  6. Am I in my body?

  7. What did I love to do when I was a child?

  8. Do I love myself exactly as I am right now?

  9. What can I let go of?

  10. What would I love to learn?

  11. When was the last time I felt truly joyful?

  12. Who is in my community?

  13. What is beautiful to me and do I have some of that in my life right now?

  14. Do I know the sound of my own true voice?

  15. What practice consistently brings me home to my self?

  16. What do I want my legacy to be?

  17. Have I planned for my own death, and my survivors?

  18. What have I done for myself today?

  19. How can I speak with more love today?

  20. Can I ask a better question?

Are you stuck, frustrated and want to be a happier mom? Finding the right question to unravel a problem is my superpower.

Click here to schedule a free 30 minute call now.