Soul-Fed Mama: Self-Portrait Sunday - Feet
This is the second week of the Soulf-Fed Mama self-portrait challenge. Last week we looked at our hands. This week, let’s talk about feet.What do your feet say about you? What kinds of shoes do you wear and what does that say about how you spend your time? Do you wear boots? Slip-ons? Do you require good arch support because you spend your day on your feet? Do you live in sandals because your feet are always hot? Are you shoes a carefully chosen accessory or an afterthought to your outfit? What shape are your toes? Do you paint your toenails? What color?This week, take a portrait of your feet. They can be bare, or in socks or shoes. They can be at rest or at work. Let the photo tell a story of where you are standing in your life right now.Share your photo on Instagram, Facebook or your own blog. Tag it with #soulfedmama so we can see each other’s photos.